You must be aware that mentioning a Managing Director (Directeur Général) on the K-bis of a French SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée) isn’t sufficient for him to be considered as the legal representative of such company! Although the law ... read more
A Lyon Court of Appeal judgement of 17 February 2022 has provided interesting clarification regarding preference shares. Our Corporate team reviews this decision. A société par actions simplifiée (joint-stock company) had decided to reduce the preferred ... read more
The shareholders in an SAS are free to stipulate in the articles of association whether the termination of the mandate of a director may be decided ad nutum or whether reasonable grounds for such termination are necessary. What about the conditions for ... read more
In the face of the rise in crowdfunding, the French legal framework was amended by the ruling of 22 December 2021, which was then set forth in the decree of 1st February 2022. Herein our Corporate department reviews the four main provisions of these ... read more
In principle, foreign investments can be made freely in France (article L.151-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code). However, investments in certain sectors, which are considered strategic, are subject to a special legal framework and, in particular, ... read more
French law n° 2021-1104 of 22 August 2021, which supports the fight against climate change and strengthens resilience in the face of its effects, known as the “Climate Law”, came into force, except for specific provisions, on 25 August 2021 and ... read more
On 27 January 2021, the French Cour de Cassation judged a case in which the shares in a company had been transferred with an asset and liability guarantee capped at 550 000 euros, and duly signed by the acquirer. Two years later, the acquirer requested the ... read more
Business entities are considered legal entities as of the date of their registration on the Companies Registry. Therefore, until such date, companies are considered as being “under formation” and, as such, have no legal existence. However, in ... read more
Although electronic signatures have been recognised under French law since 2000 by Law n° 2000-230 of 13 March 2000 (on that subject, please see our newsletter COVID-19 Business: focus on the electronic signature), until 2019, business records had to be ... read more
Hitherto, within the framework of a merger, the acquiring company’s criminal liability for acts committed by the acquired company before the merger was always excluded based on the principle of liability for one’s own acts as provided for in ... read more
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