Quiz Droit Social

As 2020 draws to a close, we would like to thank you for being a devoted reader and would like to offer you a little quiz to test your labour law knowledge.
It’s a fun way to review everything we thought it was important to share with you in order to help you in this very unusual context.

Enjoy the quiz!

Question n°1
Since the Action Plan for the Growth and Transformation of Companies Law, known as the “PACTE Law”, came in to force on 1st January 2020, the threshold above which a company must clearly establish official internal regulations is:

a. 50 employees
b. 20 employees
c. 11 employees

Question n°2
What does DUER stand for?

a. Document unique d’entretien de réévaluation – Single record of meeting and evaluation
b. Document unique d’évaluation des risques – Single record of risk evaluation
c. Déclaration unique d’évaluation des retards – Single record of tardiness evaluation

Question n°3
An employee who accepts business gifts despite an internal company code of ethics, can be:

a. Dismissed for gross misconduct
b. Deprived of his end of year bonus
c. Deprived of his Christmas presents

Question n°4
A company dismissed an employee for gross misconduct after she published a photo on her Facebook account of her company’s new collection. The Court of Cassation:

a. Deliberated that the dismissal was justified
b. Ordered that the employee’s Facebook account be closed
c. Asked for discounts on the new collection

Question n°5
What happens if the Social and Economic Committee is not consulted when an employee is dismissed for non-professional incapacity?

a. The dismissal is considered without real and serious cause
b. The dismissal remains justified
c. The Social and Economic Committee is vexed

Question n°6
Vulnerable persons eligible to be put on reduced time must satisfy the following two conditions, which are:

a. Satisfying one of the 12 criteria which is a risk defined by law and neither be able to telework 100% nor benefit from reinforced protection measures at their place of work or during their commute
b. Write a sworn statement and not be able to telework
c. Obtain a medical certificate and not have a laptop

Question n°7
Since 1st January 2020, the flat-rate tax of 10 euros that employers must pay each time they use a fixed-term contract has been:

a. Doubled
b. Tripled
c. Eliminated

Question n°8
Appraisal interviews that the employer was to organise can be postponed, on his initiative, until:

a. 31 December 2020
b. 30 June 2021
c. 30 June 2022

Question n°9
What is bore-out?

a. It’s a state caused by boredom
b. It’s a state of employee fatigue caused by too much work
c. It’s a burn-out pronounced by a French person with a bad English accent

Question n°10
An employer can only use elements in court that infringe on an employee’s right to privacy, if such use is:

a. Indispensable in the exercise of the right to provide evidence and proportionate to the intended purpose
b. Necessary for the exercise of the right to provide evidence
c. In the company’s legitimate interest

What’s your score?

Here are the right answers:

Question n°1: a. 50 employees.
Question n°2: b. Document unique d’évaluation des risques – Single record of risk evaluation.
Question n°3: a. Dismissal for gross misconduct.
Question n°4: a. Deliberated that the dismissal was justified.
Question n°5: a. The dismissal is considered without cause.
Question n°6: a. Satisfying one of the 12 criteria which is a risk defined by law and neither be able to telework 100% nor benefit from reinforced protection measures at their place of work or during their commute.
Question n°7: c. Eliminated.
Question n°8: b. 30 June 2021.
Question n°9: a. It’s burnout caused by boredom.
Question n°10: a. Indispensable in the exercise of the right to provide evidence and proportionate to the intended purpose.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
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